Divine Union is the Ultimate Relationship
Divine Union is the ultimate relationship - a relationship with God.
It means “Union with God” and refers to an embodied relationship with God between the human self and the divine.
In more practical terms, this is similar to Jung’s concept of the True Self, or you at your highest expression after shadow work and anima/animus integration to make the unconscious conscious.
Some people call this enlightenment.
It is when we are fully surrendered to Divine Will, where our personal will (ego) is led by God’s will. We become an embodied channel for the divine.
This is in opposition to being led by personal desires/ego, how the majority of people live.
My intention today is simply to notice how the modern day usage of the phrase “divine union” refers to a romantic relationship. This is not it.
As long as people are convinced that Divine Union is a romantic relationship, and they seek it through that channel, they will never be satisfied.
The feeling of longing, desire, and yearning that is so common to the human experience is actually a longing for a relationship with God, or as A. H. Almaas writes about, the longing to reclaim and embody Essence (our true divine nature).
The manifestation of this longing gets tricked by addictions attempting to ‘fill’ the void internally, whether that is an addiction to love, sex, alcohol, food, drugs, external validation, or whatever it is.
It’s a degradation of the human life to prefer these things over what is possible for Essence. When you align yourself with the truth, then beauty, majesty, nobility, fullness, pleasure, joy, and love are all available to you. The more you see your essence, the more you will see that what you wanted before was nothing. When you get deeper and deeper into your essence, you enter into the universal levels of essential reality where the beauty, fulfillment, and possibility are beyond human imagination. There is no way for the mind to grasp it.
As you actualize your Personal Essence, you can bring that fullness into your life. Then everything in your life - your work, your job, your relationship with your lover, children, friends - can become filled with Essence rather than substituting for Essence. The point is to realize Essence in your life; that’s why we are here. We’re not here to suffer. We’re not here just to work or raise our children. We’re here to completely fulfill our potential. - Almaas, Diamond Heart, Book One
What I see happening right now with the tendency to refer to Divine Union as a romantic relationship is that these people are 1) probably not aware of the true meaning of this term, instead being influenced by popular culture, and 2) addicted to relationships/love/sex in an attempt to fill a void internally.
Codependency, and the anxious attached with the avoidant attached partner, are frequently at play.
Eventually, the suffering and disconnection from the truth experienced by these people will get them to a point where they have no other choice but to seek true Divine Union.
Sometimes this comes through hard lessons.
There is a reason why the twelve step programs include a relationship with God at center stage - they refer to this internal void as the “God-sized hole.”
A sincere seeker will be led to the Divine. As with all things, a surrender to Divine Timing is key; we cannot force these things.
I believe we are all being nudged down this path, and that it is part of the Divine Plan; it’s just that we are all at different stages.
If you’re interested to learn more, including why I believe most people are using romantic relationships as a replacement for their relationship with God, click here to watch me speak more about it.
I also get into the tie-ins between this tendency to misunderstand Divine Union and the War on Love, Sex + Relationships.
In the comments below, or in direct message to me, I would love to hear your thoughts on the popular usage of ‘divine union’ versus the true meaning.
I have so much faith that we are heading in the right direction, but there is still a ways to go.
Leigh-Anne LoPinto is a psychologist, relationship coach, and breathwork teacher with 12+ years of experience. She uses a psychological-spiritual approach to help people all over the world heal relationship wounds, develop healthy self-love, and attract incredible relationships. She specializes in Divine Union and conscious relationships, using relationships to evolve on a soul level.
Learn more about The Wayshowers mentorship here.