Sex is the deepest form of intimacy, and it tends to amplify energetics that may be playing out in more subtle ways within the relationship as a whole.
What’s going on outside of the bedroom has a direct impact on what's happening inside it.
And the more the relationship feels like a space where both people can be vulnerable and truly themselves, the translation into the bedroom equates to profound intimacy.
Ask yourself:
Is your heart (+ body) open or closed to your partner?
Can you trust them to hold you in your fullest expression?
Can you melt + deeply surrender, or do you clench + control?
Eyes wide open + fully present, or do you close your eyes and escape to another land?
Are you performing, or do you genuinely love + get pleasure from what you're doing?
We're not able to fake anything anymore, humans can spot true embodiment more and more.
Your sex life is co-created, and both of you shape the dynamic.
Healing sexuality within relationship is a prerequisite for stepping into sacred union, and should be prioritized.
The energetics of masculine and feminine need to be clean and elevated to reach the heights (both within inner and outer union).
We are entering a new era of partnership where sex is one of the most beautiful expressions of love within the relationship.
It’s a much more pure exchange - and much more intimate - than something done for physical gratification alone.
A thousand words spoken cannot touch the depths of what your bodies can tell each other without saying a word.
Once you get a taste of this type of exchange, there is no going back.
If more people were having sex like this, the world would change in very significant ways.
All of this doesn't mean things are doomed if you don't have a good sex life.
It simply points to things within each of you that may need to be looked at.
Things that often take great humility and courage to face - but the payoff is huge.
At its core, sex can (and should) be an arena for heightened expression of love + unity, that which can only be communicated through coming together as one, embodying a bridge to the divine.
Literally + metaphorically naked, nowhere to hide. Pure physical, emotional, mental and spiritual congruence.
This can be worked towards, but is a delicate process that both partners need to be devoted to.
My wish for you is to experience this kind of union in your lifetime. It is becoming available to us more and more frequently now. Our sex will reflect our level of consciousness, obviously. Now is the time to step in.
This is the work I specialize in. Reach out for support.