For all of us, our parents are the very first representations of the archetypal images of male and female. This is where the template is laid in our subconscious, defining how we can expect men and women to be. Although in our conscious awareness we may learn otherwise, and see other examples of men and women in the world, what lies in the subconscious is what really runs the show.
It is absolutely astounding to me that despite all of the patterns I've helped others to see (in relation to mother and father wounds), as well as my own intense self-work around it, that nearly everything can be traced back to the relationship with mom and dad. I am always in awe, and yet not surprised!
And if one parent was not present very much or at all? Then at a soul level, we seek to understand and fill that void, whether we are conscious of it or not.
Beyond just psychological importance of the mother and father for mental and emotional health, I believe that on a soul level we are always seeking balance and union within - meaning that we are not just satisfied with healing the relationship with the feminine within, or the masculine within, but BOTH. Yin and yang.
There is a necessary reason why the collective interest in masculine and feminine energies is occurring. When we can become conscious of how to work with these energies within our being (as I described in my article on Alchemy + Divine Union), we get to work with these parts of us to purify the essences of each within us.
What programming or conditioning have I picked up about the feminine and masculine that is not True? Where is my Inner Feminine (and Masculine) at right now in terms of the process of maturation? Where am I at right now with how much shadow feminine and masculine I carry, as opposed to the true divine essences of each?
[Read this article afterwards for more information on how.]
None of us were taught this growing up, but now is the time that we understand the higher levels of how to move from the false self to the True Self. Carl Jung's work is being spoken about so often these days, and as he was way before his time, we are now ready to put his path of individuation into practice.
This is the path of the false self [persona] to the True Self through shadow work first, then anima/animus integration. I'm taking people through this path in the advanced mentorship now, those who are truly motivated to release the layers of false conditioning and step into their higher self, becoming an instrument of Divine will. The work is high level and intense, but so satisfying on a soul level.
A few years ago, my only desire became to allow Divine Will to work through me (because I learned through many painful lessons over 40+ years that any other way will collapse - that when I try to force my reality in accordance to personal will, the small self/ego, that it never worked out so well).
And so as with all of my work, what I had to learn the hard way was then offered to others as service. This shows up in sessions as always working with intuition to lead the way, understanding the intuition is the channel through which the divine communicates to us. We do this in everyday moments and through breathwork. You can do this through whatever spiritual practice or modality works for you to open the channel to the divine.
[Quick aside - to those of you who have not yet found your purpose/vocation, it is almost always revealed to you in those initiations you have been faced with, and have gone through. Some would call it the hero's journey, or the path of the wounded healer, but really take time to take stock of your life and what your soul was so obviously meant to come here to learn. You then become the way shower for others who have similar soul missions.]
If you have not done deep work on your inner masculine and feminine, start with your parents. Write out the life story of your mother, and then your father. What were their ways of being, beliefs, behaviors, patterns? What did you inherit from them, much of which is buried in the unconscious shadow? In what ways do you hate (or that is even hard to admit to yourself) that you are like them? In your romantic partnerships, what similar qualities or patterns have shown up for you?
We always go back to the root cause and work there. Simply making the unconscious conscious (through the paragraph above) is a big step forward. Then we get honest about where we're at and what we still have to learn. The Alchemy article provides much more in depth ways you can work with shadow masculine and feminine, becoming aware of the shadow aspects of both vs. the true divine essences.
There is much work to do. You can start the work on your own, or reach out to me for help. Whether or not you feel consciously drawn to this inner work or not, I believe that we are all destined to do this work at some point, in some lifetime. We are going through a process of spiritualization collectively, waking up to our true nature. Have gratitude for being awake and aware of the path and trust every little nudge forward.